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Around Town

Nix the Knotweed

Nix the Knotweed is a volunteer group that is trying to curb the invasive Japanese Knotweed. In East Lyme we had our second cut of the Year on July 1 on the area by Veterans Memorial Field. 


East Lyme Roadside cleanup

The East Lyme Democratic Town Committee came out to collect trash. It is something that have done frequently and hopefully you saw us on Saturday.


Niantic Restaurant Week

The East Lyme Democratic Town Committee sampled as many restaurants as possible during Niantic Restaurant week.  Check out our visits to 7 Napkins, Niantic Public House, Rosa Negra and Spice Club.


Talking to the Legislature about our Priorities

I came out with over 100 educators on February 4th to tell our Legislatures about what our Teachers and students need from them. The CEA wrote a great article about the event 

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East Lyme Adventure Club

With the collaboration of the East Lyme Library we formed an RPG group called Adventure Club. We meet on the first Saturday of the month and play Dungeons and Dragons 5e with a group of all ages.


Niantic Main Street 5k

I took part in the Niantic Main Street 5k on April 22, 2023. My very first. Several of our East Lyme Democratic town Committee members raced together as well as hundreds of other people. 


School Board Meeting

I came out to support East Lyme teachers as the School Board attempts to cut 18.5 teacher jobs. We need to be giving more funding to our teachers and students not cutting. The Day and the CT Examiner both wrote about the event.

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Paid for by Menapace for CT 2024, Paul Brackett, Treasurer. Approved by Nick Menapace.

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